All posts in "Articles"

Jada Pinkett Smith – No Excuses

Rich And Famous – Still Gotta Do The Work! It’s easy to forget ’cause the great looking rich and famous make it look so easy. Here’s the thing though – they gotta work at it just as hard as anybody else. The laws of physics don’t change with high visibility success. Being in show business […]


5 Ways To Become More Limber

Get Some Top Tips From A Contortionist! Ever feel that some of your routines are limited from your over all lack of flexibility. Often once I’ve gotten into my routine I begin to loosen up but there is typically a less than best result due too my lack of activity at work or first thing […]


7 Reasons To Make It Intense

Wanna Cut Your Time In The Gym In Half? High Intensity Interval Training, (HIIT), may well be your ticket to saving time and getting on with your day, while still seeing all the benefits you want from your workout regime. Besides if your in a rut this is a sure fire way to wake your […]


High Intensity Military Grade Aerobics

Feel The Burn With High Intensity Intervals Keep your saw nice and sharp with this no nonsense way to squeeze every drop of sweat out of you and your gym membership. This is a guns blazing way to ramp up your aerobic efforts that spread the burden from machine to machine and from muscle group […]


The Guy’s Are All Wet

Guys! Get with the program! Get Wet!! So I’ll say it again…why can Phelps eat soooo many calories? Thermal loss! Calories are a thermal measurement. Therefore if you want to multiply your results jump into a giant heat sink when you do your workout. Hey! It’s a lot more fun than jogging down the stinky […]


Would You Miss It If You Couldn’t?

Gratitude Can Be A Great Motivator On rare occasions someone will ask me why I put in the effort to stay fit. Of course the obvious answers are brought to you by Captain obvious himself; health, well being, long life, self esteem etc. But… have you ever thought it’s worth doing just because you can? […]


Boredom Is Your Enemy!

Change Your Routine – Change Your Body When I’m especially busy I take comfort in a well known routine because I can knock it out without much conscience thought. This is to my advantage when I need to get in and get out quick. Some days it’s really a matter of getting it done and […]


Get Your Groove On!

Wanna Break it Out to Some New Grooves? I know! You got the moves like no one else does! Girls just wanna have fun and no better way than to dance-dance-dance! But Hey!… you need some back beats that can last as long as you can and we’ve got’em dialed-up for you right here! So […]


Understand the Difference and get off the Fence

A little fence sitting never hurt anybody It’s curious to me why so many people zero in on one type of exercise to the exclusion of all others. Maybe it’s because we discover something that works for us or maybe we just enjoy it more. I think that mixing in a little bit from other […]


You Are What You Eat – Really

Do you want abs? Do you want to see them too? Ever see those power lifter dudes that look like they’ve been subsisting on loaves of bread. potatoes, and beer for the last 10 years? They walk up to an Olympic weight bar loaded up with the weight of 19 Chevrolet’s, growl at the moon, […]


Aerobic Exercise – Not For Your Body Alone

Our mental health and mental clarity comes from the physical.   So many of us are trapped by the machines that are meant to liberate. It is easy to forget that we are animals. We need to move and our brains will thank us for doing so. Do we need to buy the latest greatest […]


Jazz Hands! Don’t Laugh if it Works!

Is it a joke or plain ol’ fun? If it works who cares? Peer pressure is a drag. Why let others tell ya where the fun is when forgetting who’s watching is where the real fun begins. Besides; isn’t the whole idea of getting in shape all about you? Yepper it sure as hell is […]

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