Gratitude Can Be A Great Motivator
On rare occasions someone will ask me why I put in the effort to stay fit. Of course the obvious answers are brought to you by Captain obvious himself; health, well being, long life, self esteem etc. But… have you ever thought it’s worth doing just because you can? The truth of it is most of us can, if we really want to, even if we don’t feel like it. It’s such a gift when our bodies respond to the demands we place on them. In fact our bodies will actually improve with consistent effort. What if that basic premise is removed? Then you move that body because you realize it’s as fleeting as life itself.
Keep on Motoring!
CHESHIRE, Conn. (WTNH) — You wouldn’t know it by seeing her in action at the gym, but Jenifer Walsh has been living life with multiple sclerosis for nearly two decades.
“There are days I could sit in the corner and feel sorry for myself, but I try not to,” said Walsh.
Walsh was diagnosed with MS in 1998 while pregnant with her daughter. While the diagnosis was hard to take, Walsh says it was a sense of relief after years of health issues that doctors were never able to pinpoint.
“But now 17 years later I walk with a cane and I hobble, limp and have a foot drop and it’s difficult to get around,” said Walsh.
She used to be an avid cyclist, but has had to give that up since the MS greatly affects her balance. So Walsh turned to spinning and then became a spinning instructor at Fitness Xpress in Cheshire.
“People diagnosed with MS they’re fighters and they’re not going to let the disease define who they are,” said Cynthia Bidorini who is with the National MS Society of Connecticut.