Maybe A 10 Minute Workout Is All You Need?

Always Looking for a Quicker Faster Way to Get the Job Done?

It’s true. We are always so busy. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a 10 minute workout that you could knock out and get results that work? You know what they say? If it’s too good to be true it probably is. But maybe this just isn’t the case?

It depends on what your ultimate goals may be. If you haven’t worked out in a long time, doing 10 minute workout any time, is better than doing nothing at all. I’m not sure that 10 minutes will give me the ultimate physique I’ve always wanted but I do know that after a layoff and not feeling terribly motivated I can at least get my head wrapped around doing 10 minutes.

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Try A 10 Minute Workout!

Try A 10 Minute Workout!

“Stop counting!” Maryam Zadeh barks. Zadeh, the owner and founder of HIIT Box in Gowanus, Brooklyn, couldn’t care less how many jump squats her red-faced, sweaty followers perform.

“If you’re counting, you’re not working hard enough,” she explains, adding that the reason her workouts work is because they force people to forget about reps and focus on working as hard as they humanly can for the 20-second circuit.

There are no meandering trips to the water fountain, no sweaty gossip sessions and no long-winded affirmations. Instead, there are plyometrics like squat jumps, strength training, core work and a promise that you can do anything for 20 seconds.

New Yorkers are obsessed with fitness shortcuts. There are 20- to 30-minute express lunchtime classes at chain gyms like Crunch and New York Sports Club and a seven-minute workout app that’s now the No. 1 fitness app in the country. All these workouts combine a burst of high-intensity exercise followed by a brief period of recovery. The tiny time frames are enticing, but do they work?

Maybe. Unlike other fitness fads, high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is backed by science. A 2014 study review published by the American College of Sports Medicine found that high-intensity training (i.e., working at your maximum capacity for a short period of time) improves aerobic performance and cardiovascular health that may be superior to moderate-intensity exercise (like jogging).

Can a 10-minute workout actually get you in shape? | New York Post

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