How a 330 lb High School Dropout Lost 140 lbs and Turned His Life Around

Joe turned his life around. He started off as a 330 lb unemployed, depressed, lonely, freeloading high school dropout with poor eating and lifestyle habits. Joe dwelled in this life for years. John Huston’s boxing movie called “Fat City” inspired him to go on a walk, and that began his ascent towards a healthy life. He slowly started exercising and dieting, and he was encouraged by the positive comments he was receiving through his journey. Through trial end error and finding what works for him, Joe lost 140 pounds.

Key Takeaways:

  • How anybody can overcome almost anything. Joe was obese and dropped out of high school but turned his life around. “Now he’s finishing a Masters in Library and Information Science and completing an 8-month work term in a special library dedicated to atmospheric and meteorological sciences.”
  • Joe was 330 lbs, dropped out of school and found new life through fitness and dieting. Very inspiring. “It’s enjoyable and I can be totally consistent. And it helped me mentally that I can eat what I want, just as long as my calories are around where they need to be,” Joe quoted.
  • If you want a better life, you can’t say it or think it, you have to live it. That’s what Joe did. He trained, practiced, kept up with his fitness work and dieting, detailing his progress at all times.

“Like many of our success stories, he used fitness as a gateway to change his entire life: Now he’s finishing a Masters in Library and Information Science and completing an 8-month work term in a special library dedicated to atmospheric and meteorological sciences.”